World Aquatic Development Conference 12 -15 of January 2012

We are happy to welcome you to the first World Aquatic Development Conference! The conference will take place in Stadshallen/Högevallsbadet, Lund, Sweden from 12 – 15 January 2012. The conference is arranged by the newly started Swedish Aquatic Research Center (SCAR). We are also delighted to have attracted such visionary and engaging keynote speakers, like US Olympic Head coach, Teri McKeever, Bill Boomer, Milt Nelms, Olympic Gold medalist winner Shane Gould, Alex Nikitin, Brad Burnham and Chris Martin. With all this great knowledge this will be an extraordinary conference.

The conference will consist of 4 different tracks:

Competitive Swimming

Learn to Swim

Aquatic Rehabilitation

Women in Sport

About Us


SCAR- Swedish Center for Aquatic Research.

SCAR aims to develop Swedish and World Aquatic Research. Thru a group of interested coaches, scientist, and organization’s we will try to influence the academic world to take a higher interest in aquatic development.

SCAR is an initiative from SK Poseidon, Lund, Sweden, and built up by an advisory board with some of the top coaches in the world.

Contact Info


Phone:    +46(0)46 15 20 67
Email:     office(at)
Address: Box 1555 , 22101, Lund, Sweden