Helga Dizdari has done her thesiswork about Attachment, Competitive Anxiety and Self-Confidence among Competitive Swimmers. We are glad to be able to publish her work her at SCAR.

Attachment has been associated with the way individuals adjust themselves in various social, emotional and behavioral contexts. Attachment and sports performance remains one of the most unexplored topics in sport psychology. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine possible relationships between attachment styles, competitive anxiety, self-confidence and performance among competitive swimmers aged 17-20. The participants were 44 swimmers from all over Sweden (24 elite and 20 sub-elite). It was hypothesized that elite swimmers differ significantly from sub-elite swimmers in their attachment, competitive anxiety and self-confidence scores. The hypotheses were partially supported by the findings. The study found one significant result, which stated that insecure anxious attachment style combined with young age predicted lower performance results among swimmers. Interestingly this style was found to be prevalent among sub-elite swimmers. The findings should be treated in a very delicate and careful way and ethical considerations should be considered.

h.dizdari.swimming thesis.

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SCAR- Swedish Center for Aquatic Research.

SCAR aims to develop Swedish and World Aquatic Research. Thru a group of interested coaches, scientist, and organization’s we will try to influence the academic world to take a higher interest in aquatic development.

SCAR is an initiative from SK Poseidon, Lund, Sweden, and built up by an advisory board with some of the top coaches in the world.

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