Swedish Center for Aquatic Research aims to educate and organize events within the aquatic sector. We organize biennial World Aquatic Development Conference. A major conference for swimming coaches at any level. We also arrange smaller courses in functional training for swimmers, race analysis and along with Milt Nelms we start training in ”Brain Swimming By Nelms” in during 2014. New courses and events presented on our website.

“Vatten för alla” (“Water for all) is a developmental course created for kids at age 11 that have problems managing the school swim criteria. Together with Milt Nelms and Shane Gould we have created curriculum for 640 swim teachers that will help these kids to be comfortable in water. This project is founded by Arvsfonden.


About Us


SCAR- Swedish Center for Aquatic Research.

SCAR aims to develop Swedish and World Aquatic Research. Thru a group of interested coaches, scientist, and organization’s we will try to influence the academic world to take a higher interest in aquatic development.

SCAR is an initiative from SK Poseidon, Lund, Sweden, and built up by an advisory board with some of the top coaches in the world.

Contact Info


Phone:    +46(0)46 15 20 67
Email:     office(at)sweaquatics.com
Address: Box 1555 , 22101, Lund, Sweden