During our 4-day Competitive Swimming Program we will embark on a journey around the world of Swimming. What do they do in Japan to deliver swimmer at such high technical level year after year? What is the impact of Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) in Canada. Did LTAD deliver?
Subjects will provide an overview of Japanese Swimming culture and its developmental programs. Also, a review of a large scale national learn to swim program and the methodologies applied that are factors, or limitations, in the success of Japanese Swimming. Included will be talks on the differences between male and female international programs in Japan.
From Canada we will hear from the High Performance Director John Atkinson and Iain McDonald Next Gen and Pathway Coach, Swimming Canada how they build the programs from LTAD and linking into the Performance Pathway. What do the do to identify athletes and what the plan looked like coming up to the Olympic Games.
Another question that we will look into during our four days is how do we integrate the specialist and new technology into our programs? Physicians, doctors, strength coaches, analysts and sport psychologists all have a place in teams around the world. What is the impact and how do we implement this in our programs.
Also, many swimmers in around the world is interested in attending college in US, what are the things you as a coach need to think about? The Executive director of the College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America will guide us thru the labyrinth of NCAA.